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With Primal-Vitality™ containing a diverse range of vitamins and minerals, can I replace these with current supplements I'm using?Updated 7 months ago

Absolutely! Due to the nutritionally rich profile of Primal-Vitality™ Beef Organ Complex, our dog owners have cited being able to completely replace or even use a smaller dose of multi-vitamins, iron supplements, vitamin B complex, digestive Enzymes, coenzyme Q10 supplements, zinc supplements, selenium supplements, collagen & gelatin supplements.

This alone would save you hundreds of dollars. And no more having to try and stuff these pills down your dog’s throat

It is indeed a very long list. But don’t sweat it! One simple way I recommend dog owners try is to alternate and witness which one works better for their dog.

However, some dogs may be very deficient in certain sources, so feel free to start on a lower dosage of Primal-Vitality or to consult your veterinarian for your specific case. 

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