How do I manage subscription?Updated 13 days ago
When you place an order with us, an account is automatically created for you. To access the account is simple.
1. Visit the PawOrigins Home Page > About > Account > My Account (Use Order Email) [or Click Here]
2. You will prompted to login, please use the email associated with your order (important). Every order will have an account created automatically.
3. Once done, click on Continue.
3. Once done, click on Continue.
4. An email containing a 6-digit code will be sent to you.
5. Enter the 6-digit code. Once logged in, you will be able to view all your purchased items, order history/status, make adjustments to any ongoing subscriptions.
6. Once you are logged in, you can manage your upcoming orders, subscriptions or address and payment details.
Please note that logins will be through a secure code sent to your email. This is so that you can access the account safely and without having to remember a password.
6. Once you are logged in, you can manage your upcoming orders, subscriptions or address and payment details.
Please note that logins will be through a secure code sent to your email. This is so that you can access the account safely and without having to remember a password.
This should give you the flexibility to manage your subscription details directly, anytime and anywhere.
Should you have any issues - feel free to contact us.
Should you have any issues - feel free to contact us.